Saturday, August 8, 2009

Who Is Real, Who Is Not?

Who Is The Real, Who Is Not?
We Had A Great Half of The Day Yesterday...
After School, We Went To swensen And I Hadd mY Chicken Bla3...Forgotten the Name...
hehehehe..... And We Walk Around Holland V With the birthday girl, Kaka....
During the Morning Class, I guess we had done a really big surprise for her.Thank For Mr Haans For his Help...hahaha...
And The First One To get Beatten Is Me??hahaha... But It Ok... Give Chance... Her Birthday...
On the way back to school, It Start to mess up....
Before That , thank for the yorgurt ice cream, grace...
When We Reach MRT, The Unwanted Things Start To happen... So The Story Continue until We reach School... So, I Dont want to get involve between them, I just walk away to watch stephen chow... Too bad, I dont bring my admin card.. So, I went Back To Them To borrow A Card. Then, Bla3, Bla3... Thay dont want to go as the person with admin card should be there to borrow the things. and they still, bla3,bla3... First, I decided to stay. then i decided to go... So I went to pray and go to Lib. to watch kl drift and play come... So At night, I decided not to skate coz i hav no mood at all... end up, i do yamakasi alone while the rest skating...