Sunday, July 26, 2009

WeeKends... Boring... Kinda Interesting...

Hi People... On saturday...
I ask People out to go shopping with me... guess wat??? end up I gone alone.... hahaha.... But it enjoyzing coz i get the chance to buy jeans.... yeah....hhahaa... using my parent money....hahaha....
sunday... when jogging with rayu... at cck stadium... i was late... errr... about 30min... sori ayu....hahahaha.... k ..from 9.30 to 11.50.. but most of them spent on talking... rite ayu... hahha...opps.... thank ayu for the salad... eventhough simple, but it still nice.... u want to knw why... becoz u have the heart to make...hahahaha...
6.50pm... singapore Vs Liverpool
hmmm....match is boring... singapore keep on defending.... it tat the best tactic to play....hmmm.. why cant singapore play like thailand.... no matter wat... im still happy that liverpool draw with thailand....hahaha... shame... coz draw with thailand... somemore, liverpool change most of their player on the 2nd half... anyway, thailand had their wonderful play....hahaha... esspecially when thailand scored their goal...hahaha... i predict that liverpool bring no cup on cuming season...peace...hahaha