Friday, July 3, 2009

SomeOne Special Share Me This...

-- says:
you tengok ehhh
the moon is just a rock, not nice either
however without this moon, our night aint gonna be the same.
it will be full of darkness.
there isn't any light in our life during nightlife
this shows something
something that can actually apply in our life
never ever judge someone by its cover
cause no matter how ugly or pretty that person it
there's something special inside her which is hidden
just like the moon
its just a rock, but somehow the moon is the one who brightens up our darkness. thats how important its role is
and also
whenever i look at the moon
i feel so safe and calm
cause whenever i look at it
it just reminds me of people i tresured
and this moon always reminds me of something
especially when its a crescent
it shaped like a smile to me
something that always remind me and tell me
that everything's gonna be alright
even though how bad my day is
cause whatever it is, it's your option to choose to be happy or sad or angry
its all up to you
and also somethign special about this moon is
whenever i look at the moon
i know somewhere, someone, is looking at the same moon as me at the same time
and that person is hoping that i'll be in safe hands.
and its just feel so wonderful to know that no matter where you are.
you can actually gets connected with someone who is not there by your side
it just feels nice
and i can just stare at the moon all night.
and this moon never fails to plant a smile on my face