Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How My Day Today?

Hi people, overall, my day is great because i make all the lame joke with marcus about the ultra pure water, bla3... If u are not pure, u can call marcus... he can help u....hahaha.... so ya...
today me and My 6 wonderful sister had our lunch at FC3. I had nasi briyani, banana milk shake and green bean soup...nasi briyani, no tat kick... banana milk shake, awesome ad usual and green bean soup, sorry to say. my mum make tat ,better.hahahaha.... we had a wonderful prac today...... we were doing agrose gel just now... when doing that , i miss first base , when i get to handle with more toxic gel.PAGE. hahaha... then we have alot of taiti game... which left only me, sum sum and ng ng.then, when we at dover, i can see sum2 and ng2 were really happy....hahaha.why? secret...hmm...i also happy to see their smile...hahaha.... I bought for my mum two red bean pancake frm joli bean. sekali my mum give me 10 different type of pancake from jolibean...hahaha...so funny... about my bro, his temp is goin down...thank allah... and to rahayu, welcome back to school my friend... too bad, u have alot to catch up....esspecially ur favorite subject, CHEMISTRY!!!~akeh=)