Wednesday, July 1, 2009

FInal Two Days Of MST week....

Hi people..... Glad That all the number module finished...hahahaha.... clap3....
left with four word module...hahhaha....headache2.....hahahhaa...... far math and chem, i can do.... but dont knw if can pass or not ar...hahaha... hav not get the result yet...hahahhaa... so is a very tiring day....feel like sleeping the whole day...even in the chem test...hahaha... i hav the time to sleep at the pillar beside me...hahhahaa.... wish tomorrow also there a pillar to sleep day is ok...nothing special...hahaha... only special is i get to eat the pakcik's nasi lemak....hahaha....boleh,boleh,sembarang...hahhaha... ~akeh=)